Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Double Time!

Oh my goodness!  Moving really through my off my blogging game(again), so to make up I am going to do two posts in one!

I had the pleasure of shooting a close friends daughters 1 year photos.  I shot her new borns around the same time I did Addison's(see earlier posts :D). I crazy how much she has grown and how much of a little personality she has.  It was a blast.  Here are a few of my faves.

NEXT, I got to shoot the lovely Tina.  She is a my gorgeous sister in law and is graduating from high school next month.  She was so fun to work with.  We found some great locations and had a ton of fun.  Love you Tina! Congratulations!!!

Alright now, I know you guys have been DYING for a Fotofly Away post.  I SWEAR I will have one up by next Tuesday.  :D So keep an eye out!  xoxo