Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mid April at the Studio

This is the new wall at the studio, it's pretty fun

so cute right!!

Ok, seriously, harper was so so cute!!

ugh, this one got corrupted, along with a couple others, when I transferred them but this one was so cute I HAD to put it up :D 

This was my senior from tonight, she was so easy to photograph

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Addison :)

I shot a friends newborn baby girl the other day outside the studio.  I don't have near the experience outside the studio and I am so thankful for Annie letting me play.  These are some of my favorites.

Thanks so much Annie, Paul, and Addison!! You guys are awesome!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Austin and I's first Anniversary

My husband and I are going to do this for every anniversary.  We will hold the picture from the previous anniversary (in this case, a wedding picture) and have things that tell what we are doing at that point in our lives.  Eventually, I think it will be a pretty cool picture.  Mike at Fotofly did these in about 5 minutes.

End of March

this is the result of a challenge in a Monday morning meeting 

hehe this face cracks me up

future superstars!!